Myopia Control
Myopia management is the use of specially designed contact lenses or spectacle lenses used to slow down the progression of myopia (short-sightedness).
What Is Myopia, and Who Does It Affect?
Myopia means short-sightedness. If you or your child is myopic, this is usually because their eye is longer than usual (from front to back) which causes light to focus in front of the retina (back of the eye) rather than directly on it. Myopia is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and is becoming increasingly prevalent. A child is more likely to become myopic if their parents are also myopic, but environmental factors are believed to be the cause of the recent prevalence.
Affecting around a third of the UK population, myopia usually starts to develop in childhood from the ages of 6-13 and continues to worsen until the eye has stopped growing (around the age of 20). Becoming myopic before nine years old may increase the risk of developing a high level of myopia. A high level of myopia puts a person at greater risk of sight-threatening eye disease in later life. Conditions such as a retinal tear, retinal detachments, glaucoma and myopic retinal degeneration are more common.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Myopia?
When you develop myopia, you’ll be able to see close-up objects clearly whilst those in the distance will be blurry. The severity of short-sightedness can vary with mild cases requiring no treatment and more acute cases having a severe impact on vision. Some of the signs that a child could be short-sighted are the frequent rubbing of their eyes, complaints of tired eyes or headaches, sitting too close to the TV or finding it difficult to read the whiteboard in school.
What Causes Myopia?
The exact causes of myopia are not fully understood; however, both genetics and environmental factors contribute to the development and severity of myopia.
Myopia is something that tends to run in families, so if one or both parents have developed short-sightedness, their children are more likely to develop it too. Researchers have found over 40 genes linked to myopia that are responsible for the eye’s development, structure and how the signals are passed from the eyes to the brain.
Not Spending Enough Time Outdoors
Research shows that natural outdoor light, even when overcast, can protect the eye from lengthening and becoming myopic. If children spend plenty of time outdoors, researchers have found that the chances of developing myopia decrease significantly as well as slowing the development of any existing signs of myopia.
Excessive Use of Screens
Excessive screen time like watching TV or using tablets doesn’t appear to affect how likely it is that someone will develop myopia or that their myopia will worsen. However, spending time on these activities may reduce the time you spend outdoors, which we know can help prevent myopia.
Ortho-K Overnight Contact Lenses
Ortho-K is a vision correction therapy that offers clear, comfortable vision during the day, without the need for contact lenses or glasses. When worn overnight, these specifically created contact lenses reverse the power of the cornea at the front of the eye. Once the complete effect has occurred, the eye is essentially "normal" and you can enjoy clear daytime vision.
Misight® 1-Day Contact Lenses
Children with myopia as early as eight years old can wear MiSight® daily disposable contact lenses. These are worn by your child in the same manner as regular contact lenses. MiSight Contact Lenses have been proven to slow myopia progression lowering their dependency on vision correction later in life.
Hoya MiYOSMART Spectacle Lenses
Clinical studies have shown that Hoya MiYOSMART lenses decrease the progression of myopia and provide an alternative to contact lenses, and they have the same aesthetic appearance as conventional lenses.
Need More Information?
If you think myopia control could be the solution for you or your child, contact us to book an appointment with one of our specialist optometrists.