RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Appointments
Gas Permeable lenses are smaller and harder than soft lenses. They float on the surface of the eye within the coloured part, the iris.
Gas Permeable lenses are smaller and harder than soft lenses. They float on the surface of the eye within the coloured part, the iris.
Let your eyes breathe more as they allow more oxygen through the lens.
Are good for very irregular-shaped corneas – they provide sharper vision.
Are more suitable for very dry eyes.
Correct both low and very high astigmatism.
Have a lower risk of infection or allergy.
These types of lenses are also used to correct irregular corneal conditions such as keratoconus.
Frequent Replacement Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
Because Gas Permeable lenses are more deposit resistant they do not need to be changed as frequently as soft. However, the surface quality still degrades with time and for long-term comfort and health, it is still advisable to change them regularly.
Currently, three-monthly, six-monthly and annual disposable Gas Permeable replacement lens schemes are available.
RGP Contact Lens Initial Fitting
For patients who have never worn RGP contact lenses, are switching types of RGP contact lenses worn, or have not worn contact lenses for a period of time
RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Fitting Duration: Allow 60 Minutes
RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Fitting Cost: £150
First-time contact lens wearers will also need a Contact Lens Teach appointment, before taking lenses home. This appointment is £30 and usually takes another 30 minutes.
RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Aftercare Appointment
For existing RGP wearers, this is a check-up appointment (at least annually) to check the health of the eyes and the vision with contact lenses.
RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Aftercare Duration: Allow 30 Minutes
RGP/Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Aftercare Cost: £90
If you feel contact lenses are for you, book an appointment today.